Body Procedures

Calf Augmentation In Newport Beach, Orange County, CA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque condimentum dui eros, iCalf muscles help to balance the proportions calf area of your legs, yet these relatively small muscles are the most difficult part of the body to build up with exercise. If you have tried to enhance the shape and size of your calves with little to no results, calf augmentation procedure may be a good option.

What Are Calf Augmentation?

Calf augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that involves surgically altering the size and shape of the calves. This can involve enlarging, contouring, or reshaping them to create more definition and muscular symmetry. It may be used to correct a deformity or enhance an existing muscle structure.

The most common technique for calf augmentation uses soft silicone implants placed under the skin, either over or beneath certain parts of the gastrocnemius muscle (calf), so they can be more visible when you stand up straight. Calf implants are silicone shells that are filled with silicone, the same materials that are used for breast and facial implants. You can also choose solid calf implants. The implants enhance the contours of your natural muscles to balance the proportions of your upper and lower legs.

Additionally, fat grafts taken from other parts of your body may also be injected into your calf muscles if needed in order to provide added definition and fullness in areas deemed deficient by the surgeon during pre-operative consultations.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Calf Augmentation Surgery?

The surgery is not a replacement for proper diet and exercise. Instead, the procedure is intended to enhance the gastrocnemius muscle that gives your calf shape and size. The ideal candidate for the procedure is a person who:

  • Follows a regular routine of exercising and building strength in the legs
  • Is in good health overall
  • Understands the benefits and limitations of calf implants surgery

Calf implant surgery does not help with loose skin on the legs. A lower body lift and fat transfer (fat grafting) are the better options to help with sagging skin and excess fat on your legs.

Calf Augmentation Benefits

In our clinic in Newport Beach, calf implant surgery offers patients many benefits, such as:

  • Enhancing the shape and more youthful appearance of your legs
  • Improving the balance of muscle definition in your upper and lower legs
  • Solid calf implants can be sculpted during the surgery

Calf Augmentation Procedure

There are two types of augmentations procedures for your calves. Subcutaneous leg silicone implants are inserted just under your skin and on top of the muscles. This is ideal for patients who want the least amount of downtime. The disadvantages of this technique are that the implants may shift, and you can feel the implants.

Calf Augmentation at Orange County Plastic Surgery

Submuscular surgery for your calves involves placing the implants under the muscles. The implant is secured in place with sutures. This technique requires a longer recovery. If you are looking for a surgeon for calf augmentation in Newport Beach, double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Juris Bunkis offers to change the shape and size of your calves at our clinic.

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Calf Augmentation FAQ

What Are The Risks?

There are several risks associated with the procedure. One is that the implants may not be positioned correctly, which can cause difficulty walking or even create an uneven appearance. There is also a risk of infection or scarring, and in rare cases, the silicone implants may rupture. However, calf augmentation is a relatively safe procedure that can achieve the desired outcome if performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.

Calf Augmentation Recovery And Results

After your surgery for calf implants, your legs are covered with a compression bandage to reduce swelling and hold the tissues in place. You need to keep the bandage in place until your sutures are removed. Expect to have some swelling, discomfort, and bruising for the first few days. Elevate your legs when you are sitting or lying down. You’ll need to walk during the first week. Your legs will feel stiff during this time, and it will be easier to walk after two to three weeks. It can take up to two months to heal completely from calf implant surgery.

How long does calf augmentation last?

The silicone implant is permanent, and this medical device is designed to last up to 10 years. You can have the implants removed at any time, or you can replace them with a different style, shape, and size.

Is calf augmentation painful?

Recovery from calf augmentation does involve some discomfort. You can take a non-prescription pain medication to help with the pain.

Can you exercise with calf implants?

Once your incisions are completely healed, you can gradually return to your normal exercise routine. Start slow with some walking, and then advance to a moderate pace. Give yourself approximately two months to gradually work up to more strenuous exercises and weight lifting.